Corena's Song

I wrote this for Corena, my wife. We had been married for quite some time, and I didn't want to start taking her for granted. I try to read this as often as I can so that I never forget how important it is to tell and show someone just how much you love them.

Corena's Song

When was the last time I showed you that I love you
When was the last time I showed you that I cared
When was the last time I saw what you had done
When was the last time

When was the last time I shared with you my feelings
When was the last time I spoke about my fears
When was the last time I poured out my love for you
When was the last time

When was the last time I heard you crying inside
When was the last time I laughed with you in joy
When was the last time I took time to be with you
When was the last time